30 Days of Style

30 Days of Style | JGP Styled Me

30 Days of Style makes getting dressed easy, effortless and enjoyable.

You have amazing outfits lurking in your closet; you just can’t see them. 30 Days of Style isn’t about purchasing more pieces to add to your closet, it’s about a fresh perspective. By gently nudging you out of your comfort zone, I’ll bring to life the pieces you already own in exciting, new ways. Instead of staring indecisively at your closet when it’s time to get dressed, you’ll be able to quickly and easily grab pieces to create outfits you’re excited to wear. They’re the pieces you know and loved, transformed.

With the pieces already in your closet, I’ll style a month’s worth of outfits for you which will help you see the items in your closet in a new way and actually wear them.

This package is offered virtually and takes approximately 2 - 4 weeks to complete.

Package includes:

  • Style Discovery and review call - we’ll define your personal style (likes, dislikes, fit, silhouettes, aesthetics, etc.) to guide outfit creation that’s customized for you.

  • Virtual closet of in-season pieces, accessible via phone, tablet or computer—whatever’s most convenient for you.

  • Virtual lookbook, including 30 complete outfits created for you with in-season clothing already in your closet, accessible via phone, tablet or computer.

  • Detailed styling advice for each outfit so that you know when to tuck versus untuck, cuff, layer and more.

This package is for you if:

  • You have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear.

  • You’re bored with your wardrobe.

  • You need help putting interesting outfits together.

  • You enjoy shopping for yourself and have a good grasp of your style.

Investment: $397

Fees subject to change without notice.

What My Clients are Saying

Lori K.

“The looks Jacquelyn recommended were inspired!”

Julie S.

“I had a cardigan that I think I wore one time because I didn't know what to wear it with, and now I wear it all the time, because I know how to wear it.”