Book a Complimentary Discovery Call

You’re not happy with your closet, you don’t like how you feel in your clothes and you dread picking out an outfit each day. I want to hear more about that. On this free, 30-min. Zoom video call, I’ll tell you how I can help and show you the styling tools I use, and you can ask whatever questions you like. Choose your preferred day and time below.

Let’s Do This Thing!

Ready to feel like you in your clothes again? Whether you’re looking to book your free discovery call or have a few questions, you’ve come to the right place. If neither of those checks the box, email me at I’ll be in touch within 24 business hours.

Contact JGP Styled Me

If you’re ready to book services or have general questions, please complete the form below. You can expect a response within 24 business hours.

What My Clients Say